Squam - where the magic happens

Last week I went to Squam Art Workshops, I was on my back from TNNA (The National Needlearts Association trade show in Columbus - more about what I saw there later) and the timing of the Spring Squam retreat was too perfect not to take advantage of. Jeni and I hired a car and drove up to the lake from Boston.

Arriving at a place so beautiful and peaceful was like taking a long breath, stress and tension just left my body as soon as we arrived. The lake and the woods are full of life, we saw huge luna moths, tiny chipmunks, squirrels and even a skunk (it didn't see me though, luckily!). We saw fish and loons in the lake.

My cabin and classes were full of amazing women who were warm and friendly and welcoming. The food was delicious and the evenings were spent knitting by the fire.  

The classes were incredible, I would have been more than happy to be in any one of the many that were on offer. Jeni and I decided not to take any knitting classes (although the knitting classes on offer were perfect and teachers among the most inspiring people I know.) I took Drawn Together with Kerry Lemon (who is unbelievably talented) and Writing Your Own Myth with Elizabeth Duvivier.

Elizabeth created Squam Art Workshops and I have never met a person so insightful and warm, she has put together an experience which seems to adapt itself to each individual, offering just what that person wants or needs and allowing them to create their own unique experience while still being part of a community.

There is magic in those woods, my science loving brain is working hard to process that but it's still true, Squam IS where the magic happens.

If you ever get the opportunity to go there, grab it with both hands, I'll definitely be going back.
